POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : So last night the IRTC server would not respond? : Re: So last night the IRTC server would not respond? Server Time
31 Oct 2024 19:13:07 EDT (-0400)
  Re: So last night the IRTC server would not respond?  
From: Thorsten Froehlich
Date: 1 Nov 2004 17:21:06
Message: <4186b6d2@news.povray.org>
In article <4186941c@news.povray.org> , "Tim Nikias" 
<JUSTTHELOWERCASE:timISNOTnikias(at)gmx.netWARE> wrote:

> As a sidenote: I can only second that the servers were down. This morning
> (8:00 till roughly 9:30, GMT+1 in Germany) the newsserver didn't respond. I
> was able to get a few of the headlines, but that's it, the server wouldn't
> respond and let me download any messages. =Bob=, I'd suggest entering it now
> anyway, and along with this post it might still get through. The IRTC-Admins
> are humans as well, after all. :-)

As said, the server was fine all the time.  However, I have been told there
was some backbone router of one provider on the way to some locations
malfunctioning.  The backbone and routing is neither controlled nor owned by
the server administrator or host of the povray.org server (hosting
irtc.org).  It depends on many factors how traffic is routed through the
internet, and the route to an internet server is not under control a server.

It is best to understand as if there was a traffic jam somewhere on one
route from your computer to povray.org and your traffic was trying to take
that route.  As such, the best one can do is plead for an exception if one
is late, but ultimately -- just like in real-life -- it is up to the
individual to factor in time for traffic jams on the route(s) to an
appointment location.


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